Haloed app professional networking feed in iPhone

Create. Share. Interact. 

Get Haloed!


Capture your professional self and land your dream job


Haloed is a free short-video-based professional networking and job search platform for young professionals

Haloed professional networking yellow video recording icon

Create and share your career story

Record short professional videos and share those within the Haloed professional networking community to showcase, connect, recruit and more.

Haloed professional networking video recording screen in iPhoneXS
Haloed professional networking member profile in iPhoneXS

Haloed professional networking yellow star icon

Explore videos and find people easily

Explore the video content, personalized for you by AI recommendations to build your career, network and skills.

Haloed professional networking yellow search icon

Discover job opportunities

Find open positions, learn about the hiring companies through videos and apply for jobs.

Haloed professional networking job search in iPhoneXS
Haloed professional networking chat screen in iPhoneXS

Haloed professional networking yellow chat icon

Build meaningful business relationships

Connect with other professionals via private messages, reach out recruiters and expand your business network.

Download Haloed app on the App Store for free!