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How can I change my featured video?

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To change your featured video:

  1. Tap Profile Haloed professional networking member account icon.
  2. In the Videos section, tap the Options Haloed professional networking more options icon button of the video that you want to select as your featured video.
  3. Tap Select as featured video.


  1. Tap Profile Haloed professional networking member account icon.
  2. In the Videos section, locate the desired video and tap on it to go to the video view screen.
  3. Tap the Options Haloed professional networking more options icon button.
  4. Tap Select as featured video.

Do note that only Bio videos can be selected as the featured video and not those under Posted or Library.

In addition, you can’t select expiring video as featured video (applies to Haloed Business).

Learn more: What is featured video?

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