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How do I delete my first introduction video?

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To delete your first introduction video from Haloed, record a new video to be selected as your Featured video on your profile page. After that you’re able to delete the first video you recorded.

  1. In the Videos tab under the Bio section, tap Options  Haloed professional networking more options icon button of the video you want to replace in your ’Self’ Bio highlights category.
  2. Tap Remove from Bio highlights.
  3. Tap the Plus Haloed professional networking start new chat icon on the ‘Self’ Bio highlight category if you want to create a new introduction video, or tap the Plus Haloed professional networking start new chat icon on another Bio highlight category.
  4. Select Record new video.
  5. After recording the new video, tap Select as featured video under the video’s Options Haloed professional networking more options icon menu.
  6. After that you’re able to delete the other video you first created via your profile by selecting Delete video from the Options Haloed professional networking more options icon menu of the video.
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