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How do I find members on Haloed?

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To find members on Haloed using Search:

  1. Tap Search Haloed professional networking search app icon on the Haloed Feed main screen.
  2. Type the name of the member that you are looking for into the search bar on the search screen.
  3. Click Search on the keyboard.


Alternatively, to find members on Haloed using Chat:

  1. Tap Chats Haloed professional networking chat icon on the Haloed feed.
  2. Tap New chat Haloed professional networking start new chat icon at the top of the Chats screen.
  3. Type into the search bar the name of the member who you want to send a message.
  4. Select the person from the list.

Do note that in Chats, the search function Haloed professional networking search app icon only searches amongst the people who you have chatted with before.

Learn more: How do I search videos on Haloed?

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