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How can I add and edit my Work Experience details?

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To add new Work Experience:

  1. Tap Profile Haloed professional networking member account icon.
  2. Under your personal details section, tap on the Experience tab.
  3. Tap Add work experience to add work experience. Fill in the title, company name, location and start date fields accordingly. You also have the option of toggling the “I currently work in this company” button. If left unselected, you have to fill in the end date of your previous job.
  4. Once done, tap Save to save your changes.

To edit or delete the work experience:

  1. Hold down your finger on the desired work experience and swipe slightly to the left.
  2. Tap the yellow Edit Haloed professional networking edit app icon button that appears.
  3. Once done, tap Save to save your changes.
  4. To remove a work experience, swipe slightly to the left and tap the yellow Delete button that appears or swipe all the way to the left to remove it instantly.

See also:

How can I add or edit my Personal Details?

How can I add and edit my Skills details?

How can I add and edit my Education details?

How can I add and edit my Contact details?

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