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What is a Video title?

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Every time you publish a new video in Haloed, you will need to add a video title to your video. This title should describe what your video is about and is visible to all members in Haloed. Ensure that your video title falls within the maximum limit of 100 characters (including spaces). We also recommend using relevant keywords related to the video.

If you are publishing your first bio video, the video title is automatically filled in. However, this title can be changed if desired.

Pro-tip: Keep your video title short and sweet for maximum impact!

Examples of video titles:

[People Channel] When you publish your first video on Haloed, we recommend that you give a short introduction about yourself for other Haloed members to get to know you better e.g. Aspiring Digital Marketer passionate about SEO

[Events Channel] If you are hosting an upcoming event and want to promote it to other like-minded individuals, you can leverage Haloed to give you that much needed boost e.g. Calling all techies! Find out how big data can help your business at our upcoming webinar on 1 July.

[Collabs Channel] If you are working on a project and are looking for business partners or mentors, you can do a shoutout on Haloed e.g. Looking for partners on a coding project – drop me a message if interested!

[Rants Channel] When you really want to get more casual and tell everybody what is annoying you in the business life, your job or in the world in general, use effective title to summarize your topic e.g. 5 things people should stop doing in professional social media

[Knowledge Channel] You can share some insights or knowledge in your field e.g. 3 tips to boost your company website’s SEO

Learn more: What is a Video Channel?

Learn more: What are Keywords?

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